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Any monthly donation subscription of $10+
Any one time donation of $50+
🧡 Hearts for Healing Art
Proceeds from "Giives" will go toward providing Art Supplies for children & families impacted by the Los Angeles fires. We aim to utilize these kind-hearted donations to enrich children's lives with art, creativity, and play to make space for healing during this time.
In an effort to live into our core values of Community, Compassion and Creativity, we strive to prioritize giving back to our community as we grow. And the way we do that is with YOUR help!
We have visions of:
Monthly free community art pop-ups in all areas of Los Angeles
Free or low-cost art classes and camps for kids who wouldn't normally have access to our services
Free art supply kits for kids
Free sanitary supply kits for women
If this resonates with you, here's what you can do:
Donate using one of the one time options
Donate monthly using the subscription options
Get in touch with us about larger donations or volunteer collaborations!
Email us at olivia@creatiivenatiive.com with any questions about our Giives program